KDE On Windows

Aron Schatz
January 27, 2009

Page 1: News Post

One of the many benefits that KDE 4 brings is the ability to run as the window manager for Windows. Not only that, but building Qt apps allows true cross platform integration. Qt is really gunning to be THE cross platform development library with the switch to the LGPL.


The KDE port for Windows is still a work in progress and some aspects are still highly experimental, but it shows an enormous amount of potential and it has improved significantly over the past year. The port impressively demonstrates the growing platform-neutrality of the KDE desktop environment. As we have seen in the past, bringing open source software to alternate platforms can attract new contributors, accelerate development, and spread the use of open source development frameworks.

I would also add that if you are running any build of KDE previous to 4.2 (even though 4.2 is in the RC stage), upgrade to 4.2 now. It absolutely is what KDE 4 should be to start.



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