Seasonic 300W PSU review

Aron Schatz
June 6, 2002
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Just got word from my bud Mike that he has done a review on a variable speed fan PSU. Quiet is the name of the game.

Compared to ALL other unmodified power supply units I have used, the Seasonic SS-300FS is about the quietest. These other units include 2 models of Enermax, SH, Zalman and many generic power supplies. Despite the slightly quieter noise level of the Zalman ST-300BLP, my sample's rapid speedup to a much higher noise level makes it significantly more intrusive than the Seasonic, overall. As mentioned before, this is the same behavior observed in the Enermax and SH models, as described in detail in my previous PSU articles. The new Antec True Power PSU appears to suffer the same affliction.


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