Microsoft at odds with itself over Tablet PC handwritting

Aron Schatz
September 26, 2002
Tags Software

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I'm going to take Bill's side of this one, I would want the OS to actively learn my style of handwritting. Presets aren't good enough when someone (me) has bad handwritting.


Even though the software, due to appear in devices Nov. 7, can match against the many different types of handwriting in its database, it can't adapt to an individual user's style of writing and learn, for example, that the person never crosses his or her T's.

That's been a source of some debate within the company. Chief Software Architect Bill Gates is pushing to let the operating system begin to recognize an individual's handwriting quirks and expand the database on that user's machine. But others within Microsoft say such a capability could do more harm than good, and the company would do better to just update the operating system's master database periodically.


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