WWW stuff for Wed

Aron Schatz
November 14, 2002
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I'm working on making the articles up top a bit more descriptive. Here goes.

Samsung Yepp MP3 player at Tweaknews. Yepp... Ha


Do you need a time during your busy day to choose what noise enters you ears from time to time, well, today, I may have a nice light, full-featured alternative for you. Samsung indeed has been producing high quality components from ram to hard drives, monitors, LCD TFT screens and countless products for the home. Let's see if this model of MP3 player follows the trend ...

Cooler Master ATC110 case at OCA


The case is undoubtedly beautiful and high style. One of the things I really enjoy is the door. An aluminum case is great but when you see standard beige drives installed, it just kind of takes away from the beauty. With the door, you can install anything you wish and keep the ugliness hidden

3DGM is reviewing the KD7 from Abit


The KD7-RAID Motherboard is an excellent choice due to its onboard 6 Channel Audio, LAN, RAID, USB2 and overclocking ability. The performance and stability is excellent as well and let's not forget this motherboard is very well priced. Also, it supports AGP 8x, however, currently there are no performance benefits when using an AGP 8x capable Video Card! Watch the Video to find out more...

We got Extreme Overclocking on an IT7 Max2 from Abit


This is a great board in general as well as a great overclocker. None of the onboard stuff seems to affect the overclocking at all. That is what is so interesting about this board. It comes with tons of good features and is one of the best overclocking motherboards on the market for the Intel 845 Chipset.

OC NZ has a round up of some KT400 boards.


2 months ago, VIA released the "brand new" KT-400 chipset. The improvements over the KT-333 chipset include AGP 8X support, unofficial DDR-400 support and 8X V-Link between the north and south bridges. By looking at the so-called "improvements", one has to wonder WHY on earth does VIA name it as KT-400 instead of KT-333 8X.

PCStats and the P4 2.66Ghz.


Ahh, Q3. It's always loved the bandwidth available to a Pentium 4, and here we see it stand head and shoulders above the AthlonXP. The trend of the P4 2.66 performing close to that of the P4 2.8 also continues here. Overclocked we can hit an amazing 421 fps!!!

Geforce MX 480 at Monkey.
Akasa AK821 CPU Cooler Review at MTB.
Flash Storage Hard Drive at VoidedWarranty.


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