ConnectWise Launches for IT Service Company Professionals

March 5, 2012

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ConnectWise Launches for IT Service Company Professionals

TAMPA, Fla., March 5, 2012  /PRNewswire/ -- ConnectWise, developer of the leading service management software designed exclusively for IT service providers, VARS, ISVs and MSPs, today announced the launch of, a new online resource for IT business professionals. The site provides visitors "Stuff You Need to Succeed in IT(TM)" including best practices, tools and expert advice for effective business strategy. Content includes topics on operations, human resources, leadership, finance, legal, sales and marketing. All site content is available free, with some member-supplied content available only to registered users.


Developed and sponsored by ConnectWise, the site operates as a thought leadership platform for best practice sharing through an extensive collection of  articles, case studies, white papers, on-demand videos and webinars from a variety of industry contributors including the nonprofit trade association CompTIA; IT sales transformation experts Quosal; and TruMethods, a leading consulting firm to IT solution providers and more.

"At ConnectWise, we have a mission:  to triple partner profits.  In addition to creating the world's #1 business operating system,  we consistently look for ways to provide the IT Nation with tools for success. is yet another way that ConnectWise brings valuable business assets and tools to IT service companies, VARs and MSPs, beyond professional services software," said Arnie Bellini, CEO of ConnectWise. " strives to provide IT business executives with a one-stop online destination for the thought leadership and best practices they need to build a better, more profitable business."

Currently featured content includes white papers such as "How to Use the Pain Chain to Sell Technical Solutions," "Five ways to capitalize on cloud opportunities," and the video "Metrics to Measure" with Bob Penland of TruMethods on why it's important to have metrics when evaluating and measuring the performance of your help desk. Information-rich content is constantly refreshed to ensure visitors have the most up-to-the-minute insights and solutions for the IT service industry.

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About ConnectWise
Designed exclusively for the IT Channel, ConnectWise is the leading business management solution for service providers, MSPs, technology consultants, integrators, and developers. Today more than 62,000 IT professionals rely on ConnectWise to achieve greater accountability, operational efficiency and profitability. ConnectWise fully integrates CRM, sales, help desk ticket and tracking, project tracking, IT service management, SLAs, dispatch scheduling, mobile IT services, time and expenses into a singular IT management software to dramatically streamline IT companies. Over the last 29 years, ConnectWise has become the premier business operating system for IT solution providers. ConnectWise APIs are accessed by over 300 organizations, including ConnectWise partners and industry leaders of the IT Nation. For more information visit or call 800-671-6898.

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SOURCE  ConnectWise


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