Embedded Vision Alliance Expands Membership and Increases Platinum Members

April 25, 2012

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Embedded Vision Alliance Expands Membership and Increases Platinum Members

SANTA CRUZ, Calif., April 25, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- Globalpress Electronics Summit 2012 -- The Embedded Vision Alliance (http://www.Embedded-Vision.com) today announced that eyeSight Mobile Technologies (http://www.eyesight-tech.com) has joined the Alliance as a Technology Member.  eyeSight is a provider of vision-based gesture control software for digital devices.  Just a few weeks ago, CogniMem Technologies (http://www.cognimem.com) also joined the Alliance, swelling the ranks of companies that have united in an industry partnership dedicated to inspiring and empowering engineers to design systems that see and understand.  CogniMem is a fabless semiconductor company designing components for high speed and parallel pattern recognition.

(Logo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20110531/SF10710LOGO)

Additionally, two Founding Members of the Alliance, Texas Instruments and Analog Devices, have upgraded their membership participation to become Platinum Technology Members, signaling the importance of vision-based systems to the growth of their businesses.

Founded in May 2011, the Alliance brings together providers of technology used in creating embedded computer vision applications. Using advanced image processing techniques for tasks such as object recognition and motion analysis, computer vision technology is well established in applications such as industrial machine vision for manufacturing process control and inspection. As key vision components, such as processors and sensors, become more capable and less expensive, these same techniques can now be incorporated in a wide variety of embedded applications.  Incorporating vision capabilities enables electronic products to be more intelligent and responsive, so that they are more valuable to users. It enables electronic equipment companies to both create valuable new products and add helpful features to existing products.  Embedded vision is now proliferating into products ranging from consumer electronics to automotive safety systems, retail digital signage and medical devices.

eyeSight and CogniMem bring Alliance membership up to 20 companies, including: AMD, Analog Devices, Apical, Avnet Electronics Marketing, BDTI, CEVA, CogniVue, Freescale, IMS Research, Intel, MathWorks, Maxim Integrated Products, NVIDIA, National Instruments, Omek Interactive, Texas Instruments, Tokyo Electron Device, and Xilinx. BDTI, IMS Research, and Xilinx are also Platinum Technology Members.

The Alliance was founded in May 2011. Its first step was the launch of a web site at http://www.Embedded-Vision.com. The site, increasing in content and visitors on a daily basis, serves as a source of practical information to help design engineers and application developers incorporate vision capabilities into their products.  Access to resources on the web site is free to all.  Site content is provided by Alliance staff and member companies.  Information for prospective member companies is also available at the site.  The Alliance has also launched a free monthly newsletter, Embedded Vision Insights.

In December 2011, the Alliance launched the Embedded Vision Academy (http://www.EmbeddedVisionAcademy.com), a free online training facility for embedded product developers interested in incorporating vision capabilities into their designs. The Alliance's plans for the future include educational webinars, industry reports, and other related activities.

The Alliance website offers several RSS feeds (at embedded-vision.com/rss.xml) to help viewers stay updated on the latest embedded vision information, and maintains social media channels at:

    --  Twitter: @EmbeddedVision
    --  LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/groups/Embedded-Vision-Alliance-3934172
    --  Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/EmbeddedVisionAlliance

    Media Contact              Business Contact
    -------------              ----------------
    Brian Dipert               Jeremy Giddings
    dipert@Embedded-Vision.com giddings@Embedded-Vision.com
    +1 530-414-6908            +1 510-451-1800

SOURCE  Embedded Vision Alliance

Embedded Vision Alliance

Web Site: http://www.EmbeddedVisionAcademy.com


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