Volvo Launches China's First RTB-based Advertising

May 15, 2012

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Volvo Launches China's First RTB-based Advertising

BEIJING, May 15, 2012 /PRNewswire-Asia/ --

Introduction: On April 11, 2012, the automobile brand Volvo took the lead to make use of the first China's DSP (Demand Side Platform), @iR (Audience Investment Returner)advertising platform of Yoyi, to advertise the first RTB (Real-time Bidding) brand advertising in China.

Since the soft launch of both Google and Taobao's Ad Exchange platforms, the RTB market became available in 2012.

In March 2012, Yoyi launched China's first DSP platform, @iR. Since its launch, the platform has gained great recognition from the market. Advertisers from categories like automotive, e-commerce, FMCG, gaming, and telecommunications, are among the firsts to use it.

On April 11, 2012, one day after Google's official launch of its AdX, Volvo took the lead to use the @iR advertising platform. It became the first case of RTB-based brand advertising in China. Different from traditional display advertising, the RTB market requires real-time bidding capabilities to display online ads to target audience impression by impression in milliseconds.

Based on campaign goals set by advertisers, @iR is a self-learning system which helps identify the right target audience from a huge pool of traffic (currently 3 billion per day) and recommend the most reasonable price to bid for the audience. @iR also monitors the advertising effectiveness in real time, and thus can optimize results in real-time.

Through the advanced optimization technology of @iR, the CTR (click-through rate) of Volvo's advertising campaign increased by 371% over the first 8 days of the campaign period, and its conversion rate reached as high as 70%.

(Photo: )
Volvo RTB campaign's CTR (%)

Lv Yong, President of Media Contacts, which under Havas Digital, said: "The development of internet technology pushes the limit of precision advertising, and the RTB technology is a milestone of this trend. Volvo chose @iR to launch its RTB-based advertising, and its exciting results indicate the market is ready. We hope that Yoyi and other DSP platforms can help grow the market together, and achieve even better results for our clients.

Mr Lv was also the first person who launched the first online ad in China.

Contact us:

Yoyo LEE
Senior Public Relations Manager
Mobile:+86 13811926288
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