Mobile Budget Data Input, Touch Reporting, Map Integration for Geoanalysis
As of now, version 2 of Jedox Mobile AdHoc is available in the Apple iTunes Store.
Jedox users may now use the iPad app to create custom reports and analyses for the Jedox
suite. They can also use their iPad to edit and enter budget data. This makes Jedox AG one
of the first Performance Management providers offering an iOS app for the entire
budget-analysis-reporting process.
"Jedox Mobile AdHoc 2 turns the iPad into a comprehensive tool for planning,
reporting, and analysis," explains Matthias Krämer, Chief Technical Officer of Jedox AG:
"Our users are no longer consumers of predefined information. Now, they can create reports
as needed or enter or adjust budget figures in the planning process".
Accordingly, the retail field staff can plan with various order sizes and promotions
and create orders while traveling. This facilitates and accelerates the procurement and
logistics processes significantly. And it eventually results in direct cost reduction and
competitive advantages.
Jedox Mobile AdHoc 2.0 Highlights at a Glance:
- Dashboard Builder for custom reports and analyses
- Write-back feature for real-time planning and budgeting
- Integration of geographical data: measures from multiple locations at one
glance through Google Maps.
- Multiple selection to directly choose up to four measures for immediate ad-hoc
- Reports for multiple data providers
Rafael Kurz
Jedox AG
Bismarckallee 7a
D - 79098 Freiburg
Phone.: +49761-15-14-72-77 [ ]
Immo Gehde
Adremcom - Agentur für Unternehmenskommunikation
Auf dem Rothenberg 8
50667 Köln
Phone: +49-221-99-28-171