Romney 'VEEP Dating' - Now the Game!

August 16, 2012

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Romney 'VEEP Dating' - Now the Game!

SAN FRANCISCO, August 16, 2012/PRNewswire/ --

    Romney may have chosen his VEEP candidate, but casual games Company - games2win has
other ideas! On the heels of the announcement of the 'chosen' Vice President, games2win
has released its online game - appropriately named the 'Romney Veep Dating Game' to help
players make their own choice for Mitt's VP!

    Says Justin Molyneaux - Executive Games Producer of Games2win USA, "There has been so
much excitement around Mitt Romney's choice of Vice President. Now that he has made his
choice official, there's bound to be many people disappointed with his selection. So
Games2win has taken the lead in creating a satirical game that lets users "speed date" the
short list of candidates and gives power to the people to decide Mitt's VP".

    The company has applied the laws of speed dating to create an unprecedented system,
fit for the elite - VEEP Dating. This system makes finding the perfect (running) mate a
snap. Ask a few questions and soon you'll know how Romney arrived at his Vice Presidential

    The game features interviews with former short list candidates including Tim Pawlenty
and Marco Rubio. It also includes some surprises to keep voters on their toes.

    The game is available here
[ ].

    Games2win has always taken the global lead in creating 'topical' games centered around
current issues such as Miracle on the Hudson, Saving Captain Phillips
[ ] and Apollo 11
[ ].

    Games2win owns over 600 original games that are published on its portals
[ ] & [ ] and on the
iOS and Android market places. Games2win's latest game 'Parking Frenzy' recently reached
no 1 position on the global iTunes Stores in the free apps and free games category!

    For images of the game, click here
[ ].

    Chhavi Kejriwal

Source: Games2Win


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