Friday Tech News

Aron Schatz
July 1, 2005
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USA wants to keep control of Internet root servers.


The new principles, outlined by Assistant Commerce Secretary Michael Gallagher, say the U.S. government will "maintain its historic role in authorizing changes or modifications to the authoritative root zone file." In addition, the principles say, the U.S. government will continue to maintain "oversight" of ICANN and prevent its "focus" from straying from technical coordination.

Discovery will launch on July 13th.


Discovery's lift-off is scheduled for 1551 EDT (2051 GMT). That timing coincides with Florida's seasonal afternoon thundershowers, but NASA will not launch during a storm. "Launching in the middle of the afternoon is going to be a challenge," Leinbach says.

Farthest gravitational lens found.


Other teams have recorded more complete rings at radio and infrared wavelengths. However, the real importance to astronomers in this case is that both the lens and the distant background galaxy are very far away, so we see them as they were when the universe was very young. The background galaxy in this case is 12 billion light years away, revealing a time just 1.7 billion years after the big bang. Normally, too little unaided light from these young galaxies reaches us for astronomers to record detailed spectra. "The lens itself acts as a giant telescope," Cabanac explains, directing enough light towards Earth for astronomers to discern vital features of its spectrum.


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