A Partnership is Forged: Fellowship Church and PointBurst Unite
The Two Groups Come Together Under One Common Mission
DALLAS, Nov. 12, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- Fellowship Church, the fastest growing church in North America, and PointBurst, a leading social content distribution platform that harnesses the power of the user's network to create a trusted, constant and potent message while amplifying it exponentially, announced today that they have partnered together to drive communication and exponentially stretch the reach of Fellowship Church's message through the social media networks of the congregation.
Fellowship Church - led by Pastor Ed Young and headquartered in Grapevine, Texas - has eight dynamic campuses across Texas and Florida with an ever-expanding audience. "We are so excited about this new partnership! It gives us the opportunity to connect to our members and potential members to show them what God has for their lives," says Ed Young, Pastor at Fellowship Church.
The importance of a strong social media presence with a current and potential audience has become of the utmost importance for any church wanting to better plug in with their community in the internet age. A survey from Mashable asked more than 250 churches what social networks they used, how often and how effective they think their efforts are. More than 30% of churches surveyed said they manage their Facebook alone on a daily basis.
"We are excited to partner with Fellowship Church to amplify their message through social media outlets. People share, read and engage more with content when it is surfaced through people they know and trust. Fellowship Church has proven to be a pioneer and thought-leader in leveraging new and innovative ways to spread their message," says Phil Elias, Co-Founder of PointBurst. "PointBurst is the perfect way to leverage the passion of the congregation and easily extend Fellowship Church's messaging to their friends."
About PointBurst?
Founded in March 2011, PointBurst is an engaging a leading social content distribution platform that harnesses the power of the user's network to create a trusted, constant and potent message while amplifying it exponentially. PointBurst allows posting and messaging consistency and control across various social media platforms while providing analytics to measure and improve results. For more information, visit our website at http://www.pointburst.com
About Fellowship Church:
In 2010, Fellowship Church was ranked as the 'Fastest growing church in North America', serving and giving food, clothing, and other needs to over 167 countries around the world. Fellowship Church exists to 'Reach up, Reach out, Reach in'. Founded in 1990 by Pastor Ed Young and his wife, Lisa Young, Fellowship Church is one dynamic community now in eight diverse locations including Miami, North Texas, an online community, and through Ed Young Television. Visit our website at http://www.fellowshipchurch.com, or check out Ed Young on Facebook Television on your local listings. Ed Young was also chosen as the best Evangelical Preacher in 2012 by the Dallas Observer.
Huy Nguyen
Vice President
(469) 828-2442