Apple Releases 3G iPhone, Still AT&T Only

Aron Schatz
June 10, 2008

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Apple still has problems when selling its products to people. People still can't use the iPhone without hacking it for other networks. No CDMA version either.


Few people who pay even scant attention to the technology industry could claim to be shocked by the introduction of a faster iPhone earlier on Monday by Apple CEO Steve Jobs. Apple has sold 6 million iPhones since June 2007, Jobs said, and will likely sell a few more once the new model arrives on July 11 with a faster networking chip, GPS capabilities, and a software upgrade that's an IT manager's dream for a mobile device.

The GPS in this model makes it worth it. I'll look into how much the plans cost for the new phone. I've got a GPS/PDA already, but I'd rather have one that has a data plan I can use with my laptop.


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