Leap Second On New Years

Aron Schatz
December 29, 2008
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Well, right before New Years. The bulletin states that Dec 31, 2008 will have 86401 seconds. There will be a December 31, 2008 23:59:60!


                                   UTC TIME STEP
                            on the 1st of January 2009

A positive leap second will be introduced at the end of December 2008.
The sequence of dates of the UTC second markers will be:         
                          2008 December 31,     23h 59m 59s
                          2008 December 31,     23h 59m 60s
                          2009 January   1,      0h  0m  0s
The difference between UTC and the International Atomic Time TAI is:

  from 2006 January 1, 0h UTC, to 2009 January 1  0h UTC  : UTC-TAI = - 33s
  from 2009 January 1, 0h UTC, until further notice       : UTC-TAI = - 34s
Leap seconds can be introduced in UTC at the end of the months of December
or June, depending on the evolution of UT1-TAI. Bulletin C is mailed every
six months, either to announce a time step in UTC or to confirm that there
will be no time step at the next possible date.


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