TI named among world's 'Best Corporate Citizens' by Corporate Responsibility Magazine

March 2, 2010

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TI named among world's 'Best Corporate Citizens' by Corporate Responsibility Magazine

DALLAS, March 2 -- Texas Instruments (TI) Incorporated was recognized among the world's 100 best corporate citizens today by Corporate Responsibility Magazine, ranking 33rd on the magazine's 11th annual "100 Best Corporate Citizens" list. This is the eighth time TI has received this honor.

The 100 Best Corporate Citizens List is based on more than 360 data points of publicly-available information and ranks the large-cap Russell 1000® companies on their performance in seven categories: environment, climate change, human rights, philanthropy, employee relations, financial performance and governance. The closely-watched list has gained national recognition as an indicator of best practices in the area of social responsibility.

"We are pleased TI's efforts to build a better future for our employees, customers, investors and the communities where we operate are being recognized once again," said Trisha Cunningham, TI's Global Corporate Citizenship Director. "TI takes its commitment to social responsibility and environmental stewardship seriously, and we will continue to work across the company for continuous improvement."

The 100 Best Corporate Citizens List, first published in 1999 by Business Ethics Magazine, has become the world's most respected corporate responsibility ranking based on publicly-available information. The list is compiled for Corporate Responsibility Magazine by environmental, social and governance investor data firm IW Financial.

TI provides a detailed annual report of its corporate citizenship activities on the company's website at http://www.ti.com/csr. The comprehensive report is used by a variety of stakeholders to understand TI's social responsibility and environmental performance, as well as associated risks and opportunities.

The complete 100 Best Corporate Citizens list will be published on http://www.thecro.com.

About Texas Instruments

Texas Instruments (NYSE:TXN) helps customers solve problems and develop new electronics that make the world smarter, healthier, safer, greener and more fun.  A global semiconductor company, TI innovates through design, sales and manufacturing operations in more than 30 countries.  For more information, go to http://www.ti.com.

About Corporate Responsibility Magazine, CRO Association and CRO Summits

20,000-subscriber Corporate Responsibility Magazine (http://www.crmagazine.com) is publisher of the 11th annual 100 Best Corporate Citizens List, among America's three most-important business rankings according to PR Week. Over 200 large capitalization corporations and institutions are members of the Corporate Responsibility Officers Association (http://www.CROAssociation.org), representing 1,200+ individuals dedicated to increasing professionalization of corporate responsibility standards and practices. CROA has a formal partnership with NYSE Euronext. Corporate Responsibility Officer Summits (http://www.crosummit.com) are recognized worldwide as the leading events for corporate responsibility practitioners. CR Magazine, thecro.com, CROA and CRO Summits are managed by SharedXpertise Media LLC, with offices in Edison NJ, Cambridge UK, Brussels BE, and Singapore.

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PRN Photo Desk photodesk@prnewswire.com
Source: Texas Instruments Incorporated

CONTACT:  Media, Gail Chandler, +1-214-567-4403, g-chandler1@ti.com, or
Lara Wallentine, +1-214-567-4409, lara@ti.com, both of Texas Instruments
(Please do not publish these numbers or email addresses.)

Web Site:  http://www.ti.com/


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