Geforce4 killer from Matrox?

Aron Schatz
May 7, 2002
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Looks like its going to be May 14th for the release of Matrox's Geforce 4 killer.
According to posts over on the MURC and Matrox forums, the new card will be triple head, and support side view, which will be showcased by Doom3. Periferal vision in games...awsome idea!!!!

If the specs which have been leaked over the last few weeks are just partly true, we had better all find ourselves, some money quickly, as we are all going to want one of these. (As well as some more monitors, and desk space!!)
I'm placing my money on the 20000 3dmark2001 score being busted next week!!

Check out the new flash on matrox's website!!

A parhelia morphing into a new Matrox symbol.


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