Some Spider-man News!

May 10, 2002
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Since probably 90% of you have either seen or plan to see Spider-man, here's a little news.

First: Current box-office totals... $144,156,124!

Second: Marvel is suing Buena Vista (part of Disney) for it's ads in various newspapers, posters, etc. for "Spider-Man: The Ultimate Villain Showdown" (the old cartoon one) that used a picture of Spider-man clinging to a wall that they allegedly took from a picture belonging to Marvel. Read more about it here. With all things successful, there will be a few lawsuits, I guess.

And finally: Spider-man is better than Superman and Batman combined! When's the last time a Batman movie beat any amazing records, and when's the last time anyone's even MADE a (live-action) Superman movie? huh? huh? Yes, the 80's, and there won't be another 'til 2004! Sure, I'd like to be rich like Bruce, but Spiderman has powers. Well, since I'm gonna get flamed for saying all this, I'm gonna go hide somewhere:-\


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