ok, i was using my comp and then went to answer the phone... when i got back to my comp i see the screen is black. i press a few buttons and nothing happens. i think it crashed... i restart it and see nothing appear on the screen.. and then i hear the login sound... shit. Figurign my monitor is dead, i dont think weella dn decide to install vnc on it without beeing able to see anything... 10 minutes later i go an my laptop, type in the ip adress into vnc viewer and bam, i see my desktops back ground and everything. know i know my monitor is the thing that is borked so i fannaly test it the smart way by plugging it into my laptop. it doesnt work. i know i cant live without my uber computer so i go downstairs and take out my dust coverred crappy monitor thats highest resolution is 800x600. this blows.. but even tribes vengace looks damn good even in 800x600. but after all that i now realize i need to buy a need monitor cus this one blows and i also am very proud of my installign vnc without a monitor.. it makes me have courage in my keyboard shortcuts.
hey, its not ofn for everyone else, i just told u 3 times already. and it does suck.. but u have to have 800x600 alll the time so now i fell bad for complaining
ok well just my luck i finally found a better monitor and now the blue pixels just turn off or something. idk what the hell is wrong with it but now its all yello and pure blue is black. its really stupid. i am so depressed right now...
thats what i was afraid of.. waht if it was my video card? how do i find out? should i just unplug it and plug it back in or are there tests or something? and it is a really old monitor but i find it wierd that 2 monitors have basically died on this video card. and its a x800 pro so its new and freaking awesome... =[
yeah its really annoying. and i was thinking about asking me parents for a monitor for christmas and maybe a scanner form someone else or just buying it. idk though
spammers tend to come here.i dont know, i guess they love us...*cough gag cough* or they could just be annoying. i think he needs friends...wilk go for it lmao
heh.. no way, i get really pissed off with ppl i dont agree with or dislik ein the smallest bit and it usually ends with someone hurt, greatly offended, or dead.. ok maybe not dead but the other 2 sound right