Said By areamike
I say friggin tap every damn immigrant that comes into this country. They have no damn rights in the US, IMO.
Said By areamike
What on earth do my ancestors have to do with anything in the HERE AND NOW? I was born here. I don't care about the past. It's past. We are living TODAY and for the furture.
I'd rather be conservative than dead.
If you were a legitimate legal and upstanding immagrant that works for IBM and makes a revolutionary CPU, I woudln't care WTF you do. The people they have monitored are red flagged, if that makes sense.
And I'm not saying you shouldn't have any rights living here in the US if not born here, I'm saying WE as a Nation need to monitor the 'entire' immigrant status more thouroughly, which we aren't and have not done.
nothing. I saw fit to swear at that part of the sentence and could have said "bloody hell" just as well.Said By areamike
And does God damning it help anything?
But where is this point ? The "CPU making genious" was an extreme example. I did not in particular want to say "leave people who help you alone". I was talking about potential that should suffice to give all people a dignified chance in freedomSaid By areamike
AND YES, I do beleive ALL immigrants should be monitored at the least up to a point. If one becomes a CPU making genius and upstanding US citizen, then fine, stop tapping them. BUT, what people with limited knowledge or understanding do not realize is that Bush is monitoring people who SHOULD be monitored, commie suspected terrorists, plain and simple.
Maybe bush has arguable reasons to monitor SOME people. but they are still humans with [B:1135573482]dignity and rights[/B:1135573482] (Universal Declaration of Human Rights, hereafter UDoHR, art. 1) which should not be influenced
Said By areamike
Germany is aweful far from the US. You only know what you read in the news and see on the TV. You do not live and reside here and experience the facts first-hand.
It's a lot different here than you think and see and read and hear.
Move here and experience what we do and your view may change.
Said By areamike
example. Just a few weeks ago, Wal-Mart, a major Retail store was in trouble because of hiring vendors that were using illegal immigrants as workers. It's so common it is not even funny. This country has more legal and illegal immigraants flocking to it than ANY other country in the world. That in itself is enough for me to say YES, the US should monitor more closely, all immigrants coming here, in any way shape or form regardless of their so called Human rights etc.
Said By areamike
BLOODY HELL and GOD DAMNITT are very very different. God dammit is blasphemy to God if you are a Christian. Bloody hell is nothing more than a place.
See above. Do whatever you see fit with criminals and illegal immigrants. However, I am against favouring "natives" over legal immigrants.Said By areamike
I see you say
Maybe bush has arguable reasons to monitor SOME people. but they are still humans with [B:1135573482]dignity and rights[/B:1135573482] (Universal Declaration of Human Rights, hereafter UDoHR, art. 1) which should not be influenced
Where are my RIGHTS of protection from these so-called scumbag illegal immigrants and terrorists?
Have we made laws and declarations that protect criminals and illegal immigrants and the like? Yes we have in the US and world.
Human rights? Human dignity? Do you beleive a person has dignity and human rights that comes into your house and murders your wife and children because he believes what he is doing is just and right in his own eyes? Or would you praise the people who spied on him and prevented him from commiting a tragic crime if that was the case?
Said By areamike
I can say I have appreciated our discussion thus far. You and I have had a great discussion here I think. Thank you.
Said By areamike
Just a few weeks ago, Wal-Mart, a major Retail store was in trouble because of hiring vendors that were using illegal immigrants as workers. It's so common it is not even funny. This country has more legal and illegal immigraants flocking to it than ANY other country in the world. That in itself is enough for me to say YES, the US should monitor more closely, all immigrants coming here, in any way shape or form regardless of their so called Human rights etc.
Said By areamike
What on earth do my ancestors have to do with anything in the HERE AND NOW? I was born here. I don't care about the past. It's past. We are living TODAY and for the furture.
I'd rather be conservative than dead.
If you were a legitimate legal and upstanding immagrant that works for IBM and makes a revolutionary CPU, I woudln't care WTF you do. The people they have monitored are red flagged, if that makes sense.
And I'm not saying you shouldn't have any rights living here in the US if not born here, I'm saying WE as a Nation need to monitor the 'entire' immigrant status more thouroughly, which we aren't and have not done.
And does God damning it help anything?
AND YES, I do beleive ALL immigrants should be monitored at the least up to a point. If one becomes a CPU making genius and upstanding US citizen, then fine, stop tapping them. BUT, what people with limited knowledge or understanding do not realize is that Bush is monitoring people who SHOULD be monitored, commie suspected terrorists, plain and simple.
Said By Pancakes
Xenophobe much?
Said By Tornado
Not to interrupt this arguement, but wouldn't ...
Said By free-zombie
Bush says he'll do everything in his power to protect the states. But monitoring blasted citizens isn't in his bloody power, goddamn!