But it isn't a normal sickness. I have nausea, basically crappy feeling, and no running nose or headache. I think I ate something bad. My stomach is just nuts.
I call my parents to bring me some ginger ale and medication since I don't have any at my house and they brought it to me. Thankfully, I don't live that far away. I'm feeling better (nausea passed on), but I still can't stomach any real food without wanted to hurl.
2014 is going to be a good year. More content, more streamlining. Be a part of history!
u knw whats weird right now i have a soar throat XD
There's a hole in the world
Like a great black pit, and it's filled with people who are filled with shit,
and the vermin of the world who inhabit it-but not for long!
Heh I was sick too.Unfortunately is was on the night of Thanksgiving,while I was at my aunties.I had to sleep over cuz it's way out from where I live.I hurled the next morning and I felt like shit.Today was the first day I went back to school.Heeeheee.I'm happy that I feel better though. (>^-^)>