DETECTIVE MODE ACTIVATE! Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis powaaaa! (actually that wouldn't be a good thing XD)
*spreads volcano ash throughout the world, but not to destroy peoples alveoli! Instead to destroy said pictures!* I shall fulfill my duties (hehe duties) even if it kills me! VWOOOSHHH! ...*me taking superhero/bodyguard job seriously*...O.o
Idk~ Hanekawa Tsubasa is her name though . . . I think she's part cat . . . or something? XD I've only seen slight bits of this anime. XD! WAIT shes a catgirl, XD
Edited at Wed Jan 4, 2012 8:37:51 PM
Hey I just met you! And this is crazy! But here's my RP! So join it, maybe?
Yeah, its a short anime too, 15 episodes, I should watch it . . . tonight, on my ipod, hopefully its on youtube, sexeh kitty! ;D
Hey I just met you! And this is crazy! But here's my RP! So join it, maybe?