RayyyyI mean YOLO right? Joined: May 2, 2010Status: OfflinePosts: 31277Rep:
Yo. I can be here on Saturdays~ Sat Jan 12, 2013 3:17:09 PM#273065Perm Link
Welp. Saturdays are my free days (unless I go hang out with friends. . .) (And I'm not today because I already did that yesterday and every other day of the week. . . and I like my time away from people)
So, I can be online on Saturdays, maybe a couple of minutes during the week (but it really depends on what's going on)
Yup! Because it sorta looks like this site is. . . I'm sorry. . . but it doesn't look good >____<
So yes. I shall be online whenever I am given the time, because things have started to tone down in life. Thank goodness!
But hey, some time is at least better than none. . . right?