well yes and no. You got the first part right. But never act like a crazy psychopath. Its best to always stay strong, and stand up for yourself. Don't you mind what they say. Just be yourself and be NICE to them. Bullies try to find a way to knock you down. So if they start making remarks bout cha here's whatcha do:
Just say "Yup" don't freak out and calmly walk away.
Works just about every time
There's no such thing as a painless lesson...they just don't exist. Sacrifices are necessary...you can't gain anything without losing something first. Although...if you can endure that pain, and walk away from it...you will find that you now have a heart strong enough to overcome any obstacle.....yeah...a heart made fullmetal. -edward elric
hahahaha. Well anyway. If they throw the first punch then YES Punch them back. That is self defense. But dont punch first. You WILL get into trouble cuz of it.
There's no such thing as a painless lesson...they just don't exist. Sacrifices are necessary...you can't gain anything without losing something first. Although...if you can endure that pain, and walk away from it...you will find that you now have a heart strong enough to overcome any obstacle.....yeah...a heart made fullmetal. -edward elric
Understood! But... but... What if they destroyed my Ipod? That's self-defense since it is... a part of me. (Kind of gross to think that the Ipod was literally a part of me)... Yeah, trouble is something I never want... Troublesome things are unavoidable but trouble can be avoided... But well, if I am to reply seriously, simply ignore them. Tell the teachers if you have to. Mostly your parents. Parents are needed in times of trouble... And won't schools have cams? 'Cause we certainly have some...
Anyways, if things get all horrible, quickly tell your parents... Not your friends.... PARENTS! 'Cause they will be the most trustful person there is. Swallow your pride then tell 'em. Boys and girls, do that! *Then winks at the unseen camera*
But ignore those bullies as much as possible and be composed. Never be angry at them, nor cry in front of them. No smiling, no nothing. Remain emotionless and neutral. You can cry in your home as much as you want anyways... But never ever hurt yourself... It seriously hurts... And is dangerous... For anyone to read this, keep this in mind... There are many good anime, good movies, good books, good manga yet to be released. I would never want to miss any of them and see them in action. Remember that you are not the only one. There are many out there. You just don't see them.
"I'm not using anime as a reason to escape reality. I use it to realize more about the reality."
Yeah if they destroy your ipod then... Tell a trusted adult.. If they beat you senseless tell a trusted adult. (Parents, Teachers, Hall monitors, Principal, etc) Because bullying isn't really allowed in schools it makes the person being bullied afraid to come to school (My friend got homeschooled cuz she was bullied) And it really isnt nice. All joking matters aside.
For trouble to be avoided just ignore them. And if you see someone else being bullied then confront them, or go tell a teacher.
If the trusted adult doesnt listen then go find a teacher that Will Dont just sit there.
(wow i sound like the stomp out bullying people)
There's no such thing as a painless lesson...they just don't exist. Sacrifices are necessary...you can't gain anything without losing something first. Although...if you can endure that pain, and walk away from it...you will find that you now have a heart strong enough to overcome any obstacle.....yeah...a heart made fullmetal. -edward elric
Correct! I agree! Sometimes, there are parents out there that are pretty stubborn and useless at time when needed by their children... Wish that those parents will change... Really hurts when you can't turn to anyone... Yes, do tell a trusted adult! Not a pedo though... definitely no!! But really though, I'm a cruel person so I'd probably ignore the person who got bullied... As long as I'm not involved in any way, I'll do nothing... Wish that I have guts though... I do turn a blind eye to bullied people, mostly because I'm always daydreaming and only look down... look at the floor... I don't do eye contacts except for teachers, friends, or people who talk to me... I simply don't see bullying around me... Which is kind of scary and relieving at the same time because, if there are no bullying, all is good but you can't help but think that a bullying is taking place at... well, places you don't see them...
Those bullied people, just curse them silently... Who knows, it might take an effect in the future.... Do think long-term though, it would be pretty amazing to fire those who bullied you when you are a president of a company... But taking a safer route, be nice...
"I'm not using anime as a reason to escape reality. I use it to realize more about the reality."
Well its not always best to 'pretend' not to pay attention. THe only time ive stood up for anyone was in the 6th grade.
But its always best to help (and i kinda find it funny how its only us whos answering)
There's no such thing as a painless lesson...they just don't exist. Sacrifices are necessary...you can't gain anything without losing something first. Although...if you can endure that pain, and walk away from it...you will find that you now have a heart strong enough to overcome any obstacle.....yeah...a heart made fullmetal. -edward elric
Yeah... Well, the only reason that I replied in the first place is because you answered it.... I placed this thread as one of those spammers... There's too much, I tell you...
I guess your right... Sometimes you have to pay attention .... Who knows, they might have a weapon or something and there you are listening to your music... I can see myself spacing out.... Well, in our school, my elementary school anyways, I'm one of those disciplinary officers, if you call it that... man, looking back at it now, I feel like I bullied those poor people... It's their fault anyways, they simply don't shut up. Well, good thing is is that I only punched two people!! Heck yeah!! The first one having a broken tooth... Man, I was nervous when that happened... He had blood in his face.... The second one being throwing our lunch boxes at each other...
Good times~
"I'm not using anime as a reason to escape reality. I use it to realize more about the reality."