arppt01Joined: February 12, 2007Status: OfflinePosts: 55Rep:
IE7 - your views? Sun Feb 18, 2007 12:15:44 AM#34229Perm Link
How many of you have tried IE7 and "impressed" with it? As I have not used IE for long time I thought it will be better to know from those who have used it.
I actully just downloaded it the other day and so far so good. I like the over all way it is laid out. But I really haven't been on all that much since I downloaded it. I do like the way you add the favorites and the bigger page sizes.
I wouldn't say that. IE7 renders this site horribly and doesn't refresh the display if you scroll up or down which is just plain sloppy coding. If IE6 didn't have that problem, why should IE7?
2014 is going to be a good year. More content, more streamlining. Be a part of history!
They should have checked for the problem and then released the new version. As you mentioned if IE6 had no problem then IE7 should not have the problem as well.
Text and stuff would disappear if you floated a div with the text in it. This is so horrible. The fix was to apply "position:relative;" to basically everything that it happened to. That's a shitty solution.
IE7 just makes have the front page on ASE Labs disappear when scrolling. Why this happens, no idea.
2014 is going to be a good year. More content, more streamlining. Be a part of history!
I don't think it's a bad browser. I just think it isn't as good as Firefox. There was no real innovation in IE7. It's just like Vista. It's just catching up to do what it should already be able to do.
I feel the same. Firefox has just set an altogether different stand in browsing. I would also like to mention the name of Opera because both Firefox and Opera are a great experience in browsing.
Long time back when I was using IE, like many others i had also never thought that browsing experience can be something like what Firefox or Opera is offering today. Most probably IE people also thought like us. Fortunately for the internet community as a whole the team of Firefox or Opera thought otherwise.