A: I would hop a plain, go to your house, chain you down and force you to watch Anime and weird kids movies until you snapped out of it!!!!! D8<
A2 mine: Nope, an onion! XD
Q: What would you do if I said i wantd to kill myself? (FYI: I dont and will not. ^^)
I...am Ninja!!!! Your Lord and Master!!! FEAR ME!!!!!!!!! Fear Me... >.> <.< *Evil giggle* ^^
"Ask not for whome the bell tolls, It tolls for thee."
"A pound of flesh, no more no less. No marrow nore bone, just flesh."
Q:Of no use to one
Yet absolute bliss to two.
The small boy gets it for nothing.
The young man has to lie for it.
The old man has to buy it.
The baby's right,
The lover's privilege,
The hypocrite's mask.
To the young girl, faith;
To the married woman, hope;
To the old maid, charity.
What am I?
I...am Ninja!!!! Your Lord and Master!!! FEAR ME!!!!!!!!! Fear Me... >.> <.< *Evil giggle* ^^
"Ask not for whome the bell tolls, It tolls for thee."
"A pound of flesh, no more no less. No marrow nore bone, just flesh."
Q: A golden treasure that never stays;
The coin whose face gives wealth to all.
Strands, nuggets, and dust of gold
are all bought with its shining grace. . .
And all are more precious than any gleaming metal.
Q: As destructive as life,
As healing as death;
An institutioner of strife,
Just as prone to bless.
It is all that is good,
Yet with an evil trend;
As it was the beginning of things,
It can also be the end.
What am I?
I...am Ninja!!!! Your Lord and Master!!! FEAR ME!!!!!!!!! Fear Me... >.> <.< *Evil giggle* ^^
"Ask not for whome the bell tolls, It tolls for thee."
"A pound of flesh, no more no less. No marrow nore bone, just flesh."
Q:I make you weak at the worst of all times.
I keep you safe, I keep you fine.
I make your hands sweat, and your heart grow cold,
I visit the weak, but seldom the bold.
I...am Ninja!!!! Your Lord and Master!!! FEAR ME!!!!!!!!! Fear Me... >.> <.< *Evil giggle* ^^
"Ask not for whome the bell tolls, It tolls for thee."
"A pound of flesh, no more no less. No marrow nore bone, just flesh."
Q: It is more beautiful than the face of your love.
It is more scary than your worst fear.
Dead men eat it all the time.
If a live man eats it, he soon will die.
A poor man has it.
A rich man wants it.
I...am Ninja!!!! Your Lord and Master!!! FEAR ME!!!!!!!!! Fear Me... >.> <.< *Evil giggle* ^^
"Ask not for whome the bell tolls, It tolls for thee."
"A pound of flesh, no more no less. No marrow nore bone, just flesh."
Q: My first is foremost legally,
My second circles outwardly,
My third leads all in victory,
My fourth ends twice a nominee
My whole is this gates only key.
I...am Ninja!!!! Your Lord and Master!!! FEAR ME!!!!!!!!! Fear Me... >.> <.< *Evil giggle* ^^
"Ask not for whome the bell tolls, It tolls for thee."
"A pound of flesh, no more no less. No marrow nore bone, just flesh."
Q: There are four brothers in this world that were all born together:
The first he runs and never wearies,
The second eats and is never full.
The third he drinks and is ever thirsty,
And the fourth sings a song that is never good.
Q: A harvest sown and reaped on the same day
In an unplowed field,
Which increases without growing,
Remains whole though it is eaten
Within and without,
Is useless and yet
The staple of nations.
I...am Ninja!!!! Your Lord and Master!!! FEAR ME!!!!!!!!! Fear Me... >.> <.< *Evil giggle* ^^
"Ask not for whome the bell tolls, It tolls for thee."
"A pound of flesh, no more no less. No marrow nore bone, just flesh."
Q: Man of old, it is told
Would search until he tired,
Not for gold, ne'er be sold,
But what sought he was fire.
Man today, thou mayst say,
Has quite another aim,
In places deep, he did seek,
To find me for his gain!
Q: In the dark night flies a many-hued phantom.
It soars and spreads its wings
above the gloomy human crowd.
The whole world calls to it,
the whole world implores it.
At dawn the phantom vanishes
to be reborn in every heart.
And every night it is born anew
and every day it dies!
I...am Ninja!!!! Your Lord and Master!!! FEAR ME!!!!!!!!! Fear Me... >.> <.< *Evil giggle* ^^
"Ask not for whome the bell tolls, It tolls for thee."
"A pound of flesh, no more no less. No marrow nore bone, just flesh."