Here's a riddle that almost no one got right 50 years ago:
A man and his son were in a car accident. The man died on the way to the hospital, but the boy was rushed into surgery. Upon viewing the boy, the surgeon says “I can't operate, for that's my son!” How is this possible?
Said By blackwidow47
I know Im an ideot but I just proved that some of you are ediots too
the surgeon was his mother. ( I agree with that but he was made to look like a jocker wannabe in that movie so Im half and half.
heres a riddle:
I turn polar bears white
And I will make you cry.
I make guys have to pee
And girls comb their hair.
I make celebrities look stupid
And normal people look like celebrities.
I turn pancakes brown
And make your champane bubble.
If you sqeeze me, I'll pop.
If you look at me, you'll pop.
Can you guess the riddle?
Here are some fun riddles that are shure to get your minds fiddled
Riddle #1: Never ahead, ever behind, yet flying swiftly past; for a child, I last forever; for an adult, I`m gone too fast. What am I?
Riddle #2:
I dance and breathe and can even deceive. I am not alive, yet watch how I thrive. Do not come too near or I will eat you my dear. What am I?
Riddle #3:
There is a low railroad bridge in your town. One day you see a large truck stopped just before the underpass. When you ask what has happened, the driver tells you that his truck is one inch higher than the indicated height of the opening. This is the only road to his destination. What can he do to get through the underpass the easiest way?