^can be slightly stupid (saying shit against me and flirting with she whom i love is not a good joke "bro" i suggest you pick your people you joke with more wisely next time because i was nicer than most people would have been)
the will of the gods is not the will to be feared. It is the will of their worshipers that is deadly to the current state of being.
Always a dead end There is no escape I place my sorrow upon a bird in the sky And i'll let it fly This place is ephemeral An eternity that binds me Coming or going All that passes by are dreams
^wonders what shes talking about ( he pissed me off.. pfft that geek is using the whole nerd language thing and quoting terms that guys actually use these days)
You don't love a girl because of her beauty.
You love her because she sings a song only you can understand.