A: Bitchyness. If the most attractive girl in the world wanted to go out with me but was a total fucking bitch, I would decline. Physically, I'd have to say poor hygiene.
Q: What about you? (Sorry, I know I use this question a lot)
( its k i'm runing short on questions myself)
A ignorance, I mean I can't stand people who are ignorant because they are just that thick and close minded about things
Q ok biggest turn on?
People with courage and character always seem sinister to the rest.
A: Well, I knew this one guy, he was pretty nice, but he never wore deorderant. So after a few weeks, I had to tell him to stop being smelly, I felt really bad........
Jesus Christ, that makes my life sound very easy...
Q: What's the longest time you've gone without leaving the house?
A: Making 'lanyards' in Summer Camp when I was eight. That shit can get really, really monotonous. And then when you're finished, you find out you fucked up somewhere in the middle, and it looks like crap.
Q: If you had a child, and they made something in their arts and crafts class or whatever at school...and since they're...I dunno...five, it was really horribly made. Would you still keep it or throw it away behind their back?
A: I'd wonder what I did wrong, then I would cry and cry and cry until you felt bad. And then, realizing how incredibly awesome I was, you would like me again! But seriously, you're a good friend, I like you.
Q: How would you react if there were little 'Jaego' clones running around spouting out weird questions and drawing different renditions of Mr.Pika in their spare time (not that I do that or anything...)?