Depending on the kind of girl you like. Some are complete and total btiches, but if she's nice hen she's probably thinking the same thing. I cant even get the courage to casually say hi to an attractive guy. >.<
People always say im 15 going on 29. Im mature for my age, but sometimes im not! ^^ Ninja!!!! Your Lord and Master!!! FEAR ME!!!!!!!!! Fear Me... >.> <.< *Evil giggle* ^^
"Ask not for whome the bell tolls, It tolls for thee."
"A pound of flesh, no more no less. No marrow nore bone, just flesh."
I just feel like talkin to someone bout this..have u guys heard a kid died trying to copy gaara from naruto??? isnt that the most stupid thing u guys ever heard...I mean..he buried himself headfirst in a sandbox WHO THE HELL DOES THAT?! ...where are the parents in all this situation?! ..and now theyre blamming naruto for it I mean come onnnn at that age (10) I think a kid should b able to tell wut is and wut is nottt real -.-U besides wuts wrong with his friends?! burying him?! thats just...not normal...