blooYeezy taught me...Joined: November 27, 2007Status: OfflinePosts: 936Rep:
Siblings and such Tue Jun 10, 2008 9:10:31 PM#59458Perm Link
So do you guys have any siblings?
Are they like punishment you don't deserve, like angels from heaven, tolerable or are you just lonesome(only child)
If you think the question is intrusive or w/e then just ignore it and such of that variety...
I have 4 of them. My youngest brother is....I really have no words for him and my 2nd brother is just fun. I'm closest to my half siblings my brother 18, and my sister 17 who are kinda like my best friends(I know, lame). We hardly ever fight and people think that's weird. I don't know why.
Anywho how about you?
"Well, how do you know you're not a burrito fetishist if you've never tried doing the nasty with a burrito?"
I have two older brothers (22 and almost 20) and a 11 year-old brother. I get along with my two older brothers, though I'm closer to the second oldest, and my little brother is off-the-walls to say the least.
Im in the middle I have an older sister n a younger brother I hate them both hahahaha XD jk hahaha yeah well my sister is annoying sometimes and my brother too
I have ! older brother (then theirs me) next is one of my younger brothers then I have 2 younger sisters 1 year apart next is my real moms son who is 4 then theirs my baby brother who is 1 1/2 years old bet you cant guess how meny birthdays I have to celibrate
I have a half sister (different dad's) she's 13 years older then me. She's nice, but she thinks she ahs all these deppresion and insomnia problems so she pop's pills for everything. And regretably wih my family history, I wil more then likly become bipolar like my sister and mom...It sucks. ^^ Ninja!!!! Your Lord and Master!!! FEAR ME!!!!!!!!! Fear Me... >.> <.< *Evil giggle* ^^
"Ask not for whome the bell tolls, It tolls for thee."
"A pound of flesh, no more no less. No marrow nore bone, just flesh."
I like my cousins sometimes more than my actual siblings although I do not spend so much time with them I still like most of them still got the annoying ones as in every family uhm