I am tired of people saying free masons are evil, let me clear this up. the Knights Templar had some vary bad ideas but some members didn't have the same views so they broke apart, some became the Ilumenati and kept the insane beliefs of the templars and the free masons changed it. instead of making sure they had power for their own gain, they made sure the powerful people would help the not so powerful people. Kosair childrens hospitals are ran owned and created by shriners, which are older members of the free masons. free masons help others Ilumenati help themselves.
and all the founding fathers where also free masions and just cause they're secrative doesn't make you eavil if thats the case every government and half the human race are evil but that doesn't mean they're not innocent eigther cause I myself do not trsut them but I dont think they're evil
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2.set to shuffle
3.the 3rd song is your zombie appocelipse battle anthem
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