Aron Schatz2014: Year of change.Joined: August 3, 2001Status: OfflinePosts: 10753Rep:
Netflix screwing around Tue Feb 14, 2006 7:11:37 AM#14910Perm Link
It has been about 5 days since I sent my DVD back to Netflix and they haven't received it yet. I bet they are just delaying the fact that my two week trial just ended and magically they will receive it.
Anyone else have any problems with long delays? I'm about ready to call them.
2014 is going to be a good year. More content, more streamlining. Be a part of history!
Only once and I've rented 30 or so DVD's over the last couple months, but they respond to problems very quickly in my experience.
Log into you account, click the "You Account" link at the top of the page. Under "Rental Acivity" at the bottom of the page click "Report a problem" and select the DVD from the list. The rest is fairly self explanetory. Once you report that you sent it back they will send the next dvd in the list right away.