Aron Schatz2014: Year of change.Joined: August 3, 2001Status: OfflinePosts: 10753Rep:
Normal Webdesign Rates? Mon Sep 11, 2006 7:21:10 PM#23723Perm Link
I'm sure there are some people on this site that do webdesigning as a hobby or professionally... what do you generally charge? I have a customer that wants a website built. The job would include hosting and a domain name (I have that part handled already).
The site will require a fair amount of PHP coding on the backend and minimally on the frontend. Basically it will be a nice front page with a picture gallery with prices and a description. Simple stuff considering I am going to reuse ASE's codebase. Modularity is my thing. Still, what should something like that cost? I will be retaining the copyright of my code, but the customer will get use rights of course.
2014 is going to be a good year. More content, more streamlining. Be a part of history!
I know when I did webdesign with my friend, we charged like $45 for the frontpage and 5 subpages and 10 dollars each addtional page. Charge what you feel is the right amount.
Then charge a little more. I am not knowlegded in PHP (sadly), so I wouldn't know the charges for coding like that. I would assume the charges would double the price for php coding, but once agian, I wouldn't know.
You can hold out for quite a bit often, depending on how you know the person. If they are just someone your doing it for, you can go for 500 or more, but you know if its like someone that actually knows you, asking that much is a bit absurd, but it all depends on who they are and what the site is for. Also how much work you gotta do for it