Does anyone have an Asus P5B Deluxe? I am wondering what you think of the board. I'm probably going to get this board for a Core 2 Duo system I am building.
This would be the non-Wifi one. I want a P5B due to the unlocking of the CPU multiplier.
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Since you are gonna pay a high premium why not get a 680i-SLi board since they offer performanace levels on par with the best Intel chipsets and adds extreme overclocking as well as SLi support.
For a 680i board I would have to say either aneVGA 680i mobo since I don't know of anyother 680I manufacturer at this point but I am sure other board makers will make boards with the 680i chipset. eVGA was just the first to reelase it I think. If you don't care for Crossfire and SLi, the P5B is a great choice for overclocking.
Right I forget to mention you don't necessarily need to get a 680i-SLi as the 650i-SLi is cheaper and is expected be just as good with OC'ing as the 680i0Sli.