It applies to both sexes, at least that's how I understood it. Both have bacteria in their mouths (seriously, do you know how much is in there? It's like a bacteria museum) and both can contract HPV both in their genitals and their mouths. Person A gives oral to Person B (who has HPV), Person A now has HPV (in their mouth). Person A then gets together with Person C (no matter how much later), gives oral to Person C and now Person C has HPV on their genitals. Person A and Person C then have intercourse and Person C passes HPV to Person A's genitals.
That hand that HPV and other viruses can potentially lead to cancer of the throat. Since it's passed through fluid, and both sexes secrete fluid, both can give and receive these viruses.
I think that's the gist of it. It also applies to other viruses, I believe. But HPV is big now
Huh? Signature? What's going on with that signature?