Said By Hiten_Mitsurugi
I had a crush on a Goth-girl once. She was pale as vampire (expected), her hands were cold as ice, and she liked eating bloody raw meat and writing about vampires in first-person. Strange thing is she also like country as well as metal (the music). She was from Texas though. I've already talked about this, haven't I?
Said By §ü®f¡ñG_pÂ
Of course, when I said that one of my friends was a Goth, I meant that they were the sole descendant of the almost linear bloodline of one of the Barbarian tribes that, together, sealed the fate of the Roman empire, and due to the power imbalance that pursued, was historically reduced into non-existence.
The blood is incredibly watered down as of today, and the Goths will never regain the comparatively proud, grandiose status which they once held.
Well, I might have <i>actually</i> meant that my friend belonged to a subculture, but I guess you'll never know the truth now.